12:02 | 24.11.17 | News | 23745

VivaCell-MTS supports construction of houses in Aragatsotn

Owing to the housing project implemented by VivaCell-MTS and “Fuller Center for Housing” Armenia, this year six families from Aragatsotn village have solved the housing problem. The Gevorgyans living in Aragatsotn village are one of them. The heads of the partnering organizations visited the community to share the joy of housewarming with the family.

In the past, the family lived in a metal container, next to the half-built house that was acquired decades ago and stayed unfinished for many years. This spring, with the support of the cooperating parties, the Gevorgyans have started the construction of the house and now the dilapidated building has already become a comfortable home for them.

“I would never wish anyone to experience the hardships of living in a metal container, even for one day. The metal walls not only constricted the body, but also the soul. My children were depressed and sad, as if the joy was lost from our family. When we moved to a new home, we quickly got rid of not only the metal container, but also of bad memories of the past. I am so happy that in our new house we can host people who have changed our lives," said the family mother, Narine.

During the six years of the partnership, only in Aragatsotn region 21 families have completed the construction of their half-built house or renovated it. The housing problem of 150 families has been solved in different regions of Armenia.

“Life is not a smooth path. Over the years, there are ups and downs, successes and obstacles. Perhaps that is exactly what makes people work harder trying to gain will, become determined to work and succeed. It is important that everyone keeps himself away from being depressed, despaired, and believes that he will be able to do something important. And if he believes then he can accomplish his dreams. This family has passed the exact same path. I am convinced that with every stone that is built for this house, they have gained a greater will. The dream is achieved. Now they have to look for new dreams and to have the determination to achieve them," said VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

“A healthy family, as a unit of the society, is the guarantee of sustainable development of the community and the country. A child living in a healthy environment has a definite advantage of using his time properly,  for development and creativity. Our task is to allow as many families as possible to that opportunity,” said “Fuller Center for Housing” Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan.

In 2017, VivaCell-MTS invested AMD 31 million for the implementation of the housing project; in total over AMD 370 million has been invested.