13:13 | 03.11.17 | News | 25952
Beeline informed that users of Smart tariff plan, Neomax and Quatro services will have unlimited free calls to Beeline Russia mobile network.
The subscribers of Smart 3500, Smart 5500 and Smart 7500 prepaid and postpaid tariff plans, prepaid Smart 1500 Marz tariff plan, as well as Neomax and Quatro services can use the 10,000 free minutes in their respective plans/services to make calls to Beeline Russia mobile network.
Monthly fees will remain unchanged for all mentioned packages. Subscribers will need to press *88* before dialing the phone number in order to use the free minutes to call Beeline Russia numbers.
“Ensuring convenience for customers is one of our main objectives. Our subscribers make very frequent calls to Russia and we believe it’s right to provide Beeline customers the opportunity to enjoy all advantages of using the services of a large international group,” said Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.
This campaign will be active until 31 March 2018 inclusive.