Beeline announces new promotion of My Beeline Armenia app.
From September 15 to October 15, downloading and registering on mobile version of My Beeline Armenia app, subscribers will get free 30-day access to 1000BM internet service.
“We are trying to create modern technical solutions in digital world and offer beneficial services for our subscribers. I am convinced that this app will be a real helper for subscribers from the very first day, which means that our services are becoming even simpler and more comfortable,” Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin said
My Beeline Armenia app allows subscribers to manage their accounts, view the balance, enable or disable communication services, receive account statements, as well as information on tariff plans and other services. Subscribers can also make online payments and order SIM-cards, smartphones etc. via mShop.
You can download the app via Play Market, App Store and Windows platforms. Web version is available on