18:10 | 22.08.17 | News | 34360

    Make Armenia Clean Again presents KillZibil mobile app

    Make Armenia Clean Again community in cooperation with Realizeit LLC created KillZibil free mobile app for creation of unified map of Armenia’s polluted areas which can be edited in real time.

    The app is user-friendly - you only need to take a picture of a polluted area and add it to the map. The feedback system is just as simple: you can upload a new picture with already cleaned area in the comments below the first picture.

    According to developers, the app will become a convenient communication tool between the citizens, authorities and structures, responsible for sanitary cleaning and waste collection. The statistics of new uploads of polluted and then cleaned areas will be posted via Make Armenia Clean Again community’s pages on social media.

    You can download the app at AppStore and Google Play.