15:13 | 24.07.17 | News | 38438
From now on the subscribers of U! Prepay tariff plans by Ucom will call MegaFon Russia network unlimitedly.
In particular, the subscribers of U!1000 tariff plan will be able to use the unlimited minutes within Ucom mobile network, included in their tariff plan, to call unlimitedly their close ones in MegaFon Russia network as well. While the subscribers of U!1500, U!2000, U!3000 tariff plans will call unlimitedly the mentioned destination upon consumption of the minutes included in their tariff plans.
“Our company does its best to come up with innovative solutions for our subscribers and to exceed their expectations at some point”, - says Hayk Yesayan, Director General at Ucom.
Let us remind, that after the validity period of monthly inclusions is expired, the subscribers will continue calling MegaFon numbers at the rate of 15 AMD/min, in case the inclusions were not automatically activated before that, in a result of the insufficient funds on the account.