14:22 | 12.07.17 | News | 16585

    Armenia to open IT representative offices in 4 more countries

    Armenia will open ICT representative offices in Mexico, Russia, Iran, and Spain until autumn within the Armenian Science & Technology Center (ASTC) program.

    Armenian Minister of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies told the press about it today, reminding that Armenia already has ICT representative offices in the U.S., Belgium, Bolivia, France, and Italy.

    The initiative is implemented by the Armenian Government, Ministry of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies, and Technology and Science Dynamics within the memorandum of understanding the parties signed on February 24.

    Director of Technology and Science Dynamics Vahan Shakaryan noted that in Armenia they struggle to find specialists with appropriate skills in language, economy, and marketing, who would be ready to work in ICT representative offices abroad.

    He also informed that soon they will sign a memorandum with IDS Corporation (Italy) on foundation of a research lab in Armenia.