15:43 | 10.05.17 | News | 18785

    Beeline launches new promotions for Beeline BeeTV app

    Beeline announced the update of Smart tariff plan, while subscribers of Smart and Neo Max prepaid service packages on BeeTV app will receive free access to up to 100 TV channels.

    Smart 5500, Smart 7500  and Smart 1500 (Regional) prepaid tariff plans were added to Smart tariff plan.

    “BeeTV services are very popular and highly estimated among our subscribers owing to the quality of services and our sustainable work. It has been downloaded for more than 40 000 times in a short period of time. Beeline continues to expand the variety of its services, trying to provide the utmost quality, simplicity and convenience,” Commercial Director at Beeline Armenia Hayk Karapetyan remarked.

    BeeTV free mobile television service operates without Internet tariffication and is available throughout the country.