08:53 | 08.07.16 | News | 5661

Ucom supports opening of Armath lab in Artsakh

Upon the initiative by the Union of Information Technology Enterprises (UITE) with the support of Ucom the first Armath engineering lab was opened in Artsakh IT center (131st in all of Armenia) on July 7.

The initiative is realized within the Memorandum of Cooperation signed between the Union of Information Technology Enterprises (UITE) and Ucom, the latter invests to help develop tech education in Armenia.

“Our country needs economists, doctors and engineers that will help develop our country’s military industry. It’s the first time we have realized this project in Artsakh and our company will support opening of 2 more labs and development of engineering mind will give its results in Artsakh as well”, said Ucom CEO Hayk Yesayan.

Armath engineering labs are free and open for those who are interested.