08:10 | 30.05.16 | News | 8935

Mikael Yang’s ManyChat is available for Facebook Messenger

Developed by Mikael Yang, ManyChat service is now available for Facebook Messenger.

ManyChat allows you to create a Messenger bot without coding -automatic responses, helping businesses and customers interact. Through it, businesses are free to send news, notices concerning content, automated posts.

One of the advantages of ManyChat is that it brings all messengers together in a single interface, which allows us to communicate with a large number of customers at once.

In order to activate ManyChat bot for Messenger you should enter here.

Mikael Yang’s startup that was launched in Telegram 9 months ago, currently manages 155 000 bots that send more than 600mln messages monthly.

San- Francisco based startup was the first on Product Hunt platform a few days ago.

“We are taking everything that we have learnt on Telegram to create the best visual bot builder for Messenger”, said Mikael Yang in Product Hunt.

ManyChat is among 500 Startups acceleration program.
Mikael Yang is the son of ABBYY Founder David Yang.