11:55 | 06.05.16 | News | 4658

VivaCell-MTS supports opening of Wildlife Rescue Center

The official opening of Wildlife Rescue Centre (WRC) took place in the Caucasus Wildlife Refuge (CWR), a privately protected area managed by the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC).

The first temporary inhabitants of the quarantine station - the first completed and fully equipped facility of the WRC - will be the three lions rescued from Gyumri Private Zoo by joint commitment and concerted actions of the FPWC and Worldwide Veterinary Service (WVS). The construction of the quarantine station, as well as the food and care for the lions since they have been moved to the CWR has been funded by the WVS. After undergoing the quarantine stage in Armenia the lionesses will be transferred to Manor Wildlife Park for their initial UK quarantine before going to their state of the art lion enclosure in Peak Wildlife Park, UK.

In frames of the project a memorandum of cooperation will be signed between the FPWC, RA Ministry of Nature Protection and RA Ministry of Emergency stating the parties’ interest and willingness to collaborate for a coordinated and professional management of incidents involving wild animals both in Yerevan and the other regions of Armenia. Earlier, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between FPWC and WVS. FPWC’s General Partner VivaCell-MTS has also announced its long-term support to the project. A fully equipped emergency vehicle was donated to the Centre by VivaCell-MTS.

“When we learn to preserve the nature and not hinder the process of its regeneration, we will have considerable progress not only in the conservation of the flora and fauna, but also raise the level of consciousness about our responsibility for the planet we live in. If we do not pay due attention to environmental issues, we will pass a devastated planet to the next generations. However, quitting and accepting defeat is not characteristic of our nation. We should be brave, accept the challenges and continue proving the world that civilization is not about words, but about one’s actions and behavior. We stand for and try to instill this attitude in the society”, said VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

The expert team of the Wildlife Rescue Centre will comprise specialists from the FPWC, WVS, the Ministry of Nature Protection and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The expert team will examine the animals which being in wildlife or in urban environment appear in vulnerable situations and/or become dangerous and a threat as a result of human activity. Depending on their particular situation, the animals will be provided an appropriate treatment and care, and returned to wildlife and/or transferred to the international wildlife sanctuaries.

The Wildlife Rescue Centre will be sustainably addressing issues such as damage to the wildlife by human intervention, inappropriate conditions of wild animals in captivity and half-captivity and cruel treatment and torture of animals.

Additionally, the Wildlife Rescue Centre will implement regular informational and educational campaigns aimed at different target groups against illegal exploitation of wild animals and its consequences.