11:17 | 24.03.16 | News | 4449

Ucom announces the launch of Bringing Sight to Armenian Eyes 2016

Armenian EyeCare Project (AECP) and Ucom announced today the launch of free ophthalmologic services program in Armenian marzes.

The company noticed that Ucom continues the cooperation with AECP within Bringing Sight to Armenian Eyes project, which Orange Foundation started in 2011.

Residents of Ararat, Vayots Dzor, Syunik and Armavir marzes will benefit from free ophthalmologic services this year.

“We believe that the mission of our company is to be useful to our compatriots, help forming a stable and safe community, bring up a healthy and cultured generation, and create opportunities for future development. This program is one of those unique initiatives that have exclusively good impact and essentially change people’s lives and way of living. I am very happy about this cooperation, and I am sure that it will be ongoing,” said Ucom CEO Hayk Yesayan.

At the moment, local ophthalmologists in Ararat marz are conducting eye check-ups.

Mobile ophthalmologic hospital will begin its journey in Masis, Ararat this year, where it will stay on April 4-16; it will later be in Artashat on April 18-30, and in Ararat on May 2-14. The next stop is Vayots Dzor marz.