15:27 | 04.11.15 | News | 5083

2 ArmRobotics contests registration kicks off

Application registration for “Unmanned aerial vehicle” (UAV) and ''Sniper Robot'' contests within ArmRobotics kicked off.

The organizer of ArmRobotics contests is the Union of Information Technologies Enterprises (UITE) and the sponsor is Ucom.

“As an organization that works in information technology and telecommunication field, our company cannot stay away from such projects. These competitions are not only contributing to the discovery of highly- skilled professionals in our country but also have great importance in Armenian defense sphere. We are confident that the competition will result in creation of equipment that can serve to protect our homeland and be used in the army or other fields”, Hayk Yesayan said at a press-conference today.

The contests aim at revealing and encouraging experienced Armenian professionals and to develop robotics field in Armenia.

The devices are widely used in the military sphere as well as in other economic sectors.
The contests will be held in 3 rounds- registration, semifinals and finals. The registration round will last until December 15.

The winner projects will be identified by specialist engineers and the creators will receive large cash prizes by sponsor of the contest Ucom.

You can learn about the contest registration criteria and technical tasks here.