15:43 | 23.09.15 | News | 3901

    Beeline supports 6th Social Partnership Conference

    Beeline supported holding to the 6th Social Partnership National Conference.

    The Conference is mostly aimed at boosting trilateral social partnership and social dialogue among the state agencies, employees and employers of Armenia to form a sustainable labor market.

    “As employees and state’s longtime social partner, Beeline attaches importance to the role of trilateral social partnership and social dialogue in formation of stable labor market. In its turn, the latter is one of the key factors of the country’s development which will help change people’s lives for the better. I thank the Republican Union of Employers of Armenia on the holding of the conference and assure that it will contribute to development of new solutions in social partnership”, said Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin in his welcome speech.

    The Conference is organized by Republican Union of Armenian Employers and sponsored by Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Caucasus Employers’ Cooperation Programme and Beeline.