10:36 | 21.08.15 | News | 4016
VivaCell-MTS was the first on the Armenian telecommunication market to have launched a package comprising 4 services: unlimited internet, fixed IP telephony and IP TV based on a superfast reliable FTTH, plus mobile communication. “Quartet” package based on fiber-optic and mobile technologies have already been available for a year.
August 6, 2014, was marked as a revolutionary innovation. VivaCell-MTS has become the first operator to have offered the package comprising 4 services which allows subscribers to freely pay for services and get support from one source if needed.
The network was deployed in Vahagni Residential Community and the tariff plan is currently available for Vahagni residents. In future, VivaCell-MTS is planning to make 4-in one package available to other areas as well.