10:04 | 11.08.15 | News | exclusive 3693

    Armenian Sphere: Local social network

    Sphere mobile app, which helps orient in a new environment owing to nearby people as well as get an answer to your questions, has turned into a local social network.

    Sphere Co-Founder Davit Khachatryan told Itel.am about it.

    According to him, the former sections of the app have been removed and people can now communicate on any topic (for example, learn French, attend a football match or go fishing).

    “This is a good chance to make friends and acquaintances with people sharing the same interests. For example, owing to the app people emerge as couples and one of them is going to marry soon,” said Davit Khachatryan.

    New Sphere grants the chance to rate the notes and the notes with the highest rating will appear in Top section.

    Sphere is available at App Store and Google Play.