10:39 | 20.07.15 | Articles | exclusive 4164

Bartly: Online barter

Bartly mobile app developed by Armenian programmers allows you exchange your extra items with the ones you need.

The app is available on the devices operating on iOS.

Bartly has been created by a team of young entrepreneurs which members have formerly worked in Spotify, Flipboard, VSCO and similar companies.

Talking to Itel.am, marketing manager Lusine Shakhoyan says that each year, more than 70 tons of clothes and household appliances are thrown into the garbage.

“The majority of the items can still be used but it’s thrown to the garbage as a particular person doesn’t need it any more. Through Bartly, you can take a photo of the item and search for the item you’d like it to exchange for. The accurate search algorithm of the app will help you find the most relevant proposal of exchange”, she says.

The chat also has a chat option so as the people who are going to exchange items could agree on the place and time of the exchange.

“It’s a simple barter tool through which you can purchase a useful time to exchange for other items”, he explains.

Lusine Shakhoyan adds that they are currently working on the Armenian market but in near future, they are going to make the app available in Berlin and San-Francisco as well.

It should be recalled that we wrote about Giwa.org platform a few months ago through which you can present the goods you don’t use to foreigners.

Narine Daneghyan