18:28 | 09.04.15 | News | 6149

Doctor of Political Science Armen Ayvazyan delivers a lecture for VivaCell-MTS

In the frames of the commemoration events of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide VivaCell-MTS has organized a series of lectures for its employees on topics regarding the Armenian genocide, Armenian identity, the historical path of Armenia and the development perspectives of the nation.

To cover these topics VivaCell-MTS hosts famous historians, political scientists and analysts.

Renowned historian, Doctor of Political Science Armen Ayvazyan delivered a lecture on the causes and implications of the Armenian genocide for VivaCell-MTS employees. The lecture and the following discussion covered also topics such as the influence of the genocide on the psychology of the Armenians as an ethnic group, the current geopolitical situation in Armenia, the perspectives of the country’s development, and issues regarding the past and the present of the Armenian political mind.

From 1992 to 1994 Armen Ayvazyan has worked as Assistant to the President of Armenia, Adviser to the RA Minister of Foreign Relations, and Acting Head of the Armenian Delegation to the Organization on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Vienna). Mr. Ayvazyan has participated in the negotiations of the OSCE Minsk Group. Since 1994 he has been engaged in various social and research activities. For about two years he has conducted research on strategic issues at Syracuse and Stanford universities, US, and at research centers in Greece. Armen Ayvazyan has lectured at a number of international conferences, at foreign universities, and community centers of the Armenian Diaspora. Armen Ayvazyan is the author of a number of books and scientific articles.

At the meeting the scientist presented his opinion on the major issues of the national security and touched upon topics such as the current phase of the Armenian-Turkish relations, the Turkish-Azerbaijani cooperation, the necessity to properly respond to them and rise against them with the entire nation and state.

“The Armenian genocide was not only the extermination of the Armenians as the indigenous ethnos of the Armenian Highland, but also the devastation of Armenia, a country, which had the demographic, ideological, political and cultural potential as well as the opportunity to reestablish an independent statehood. After all, the annihilation of the Armenian nation was directed against the probability of rebuilding the Armenian statehood. The genocide was implemented in several stages from 1893 to 1923 mostly through annihilation, extermination and forced converting to Islam,” Armen Ayvazyan noted. “In this regard 1915 is a symbolic date. To reduce the consequences of the genocide we should reveal and fill in the gaps in the public and strategic consciousness of the people and strive to raise the national self-consciousness especially among the younger generation. The role of the state is paramount here as the main tool for the realization of the national dreams,” Armen Ayvazyan added.

“VivaCell-MTS encourages its employees to acquire knowledge on issues of Pan-Armenian significance through meetings and discussions with the professionals of respective spheres. We are first of all citizens, members of society, who are not indifferent to the major issues of the history and state, who need to listen to different opinions and only then form an attitude of our own. In this respect, we expect to have the support of our scientists who will offer answers to issues regarding our past, present and future. We are glad that every meeting makes the library of our Company richer in valuable materials,” VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian noted.