14:01 | 10.02.15 | News | 5084

Orange supports “Safe Internet Month” initiative

Today more than 100 countries are celebrating Safe Internet Day. For the fourth time in a row on the occasion of this day Orange, the Safe Internet Committee of Armenia and Media Education Center NGO are mobilizing forces to the “making internet safer for children.”

In the frame of the “Safe Internet Month” more than 3000 pupils of 150 schools will participate in open lessons and receive relevant information and educational materials on how to use Internet safely. Orange will as well be promoting educational films to help parents understand how to protect their children from inappropriate content and experiences on internet. Special meetings with parents will be organized as well during which issues and risks related to safe Internet use will be discussed and information on technical solutions, which make Internet better for children, will be provided. This initiative will also mobilize Orange Armenia employees who will volunteer to share their knowledge and experience with Armenian parents during the month.

“The data usage in Armenia has increased greatly during the recent years; internet services are no longer a luxury but a part of our daily experience and, as the leading mobile internet operator, we believe, it is essential to educate the users and improve protection for children from inappropriate online content”,- said Francis Gelibter, General Director of Orange Armenia.

To remind, since 2012 alongside internet services Orange proposes to its customers to use Kaspersky Internet Security program at a very affordable cost, which includes improved protection for children from inappropriate online content, with one month free of charge trial period.

“In the frame of Safe Internet Armenia program we organize training programs, raise awareness about privacy and security issues. We teach how to prevent negative and unethical use of new technologies. However, ICTs are double-edged, since along with risks digital technologies can facilitate children’s learning and education.  Our observations show that creative media production in the classroom result in a positive change in the quality of Internet resources consumed by children. Children who are actively using multimedia technologies have better skills to withstand on-line harms and cope with the risks,” said Narine Khachatryan, Safer Internet Armenia coordinator.     

Media Education Center offers Digital literacy training programs for teachers and students and effective methodologies how to introduce new media and ICTs into teaching and learning process.  The organisation has assisted schools to develop educational e-content, built the capacity of teachers and students and provided with tools and e-platforms for collaboration and e-participation.  

Everyone concerned with the nature and safety of the content children are exposed to on the Internet can visit www.safe.am, where necessary information and advice on safe internet use can be found in Armenian.

The “Safer Internet” project is dedicated to the International Safer Internet Day, celebrated since 2004 on the 2nd day of the 2nd week of the second 2nd month of each year. The pan-European INSAFE initiative, which is enlarging its borders year by year, is gathering people together to combat unlawful, harmful and irrelevant content.