17:00 | 20.01.15 | News | 4855

    Andrey Patoka to head VimpelCom CIS Business Unit

    Andrey Patoka will head VimpelCom CIS Business Unit.

    He previously held the post of VimpelCom Vice President for Infrastructure Development (Russia Business Unit).

    “I’d like to congratulate Andrey Patoka on the appointment to the post of head of CIS Business Unit and I expect our joint work to continue”, said VimpelCom OJSC CEO Jo Lunder.

    “I am proud for such trust. I first of all consider the new appointment as serious responsibility and professional challenge. The CIS Business Unit is the most complicated and at the same time dynamic and promising units by its structure within VimpelCom OJSC. All the six markets today either move on to the next phase of technological development or are still in the process, that’s why I think we should now focus on a customer with this demands and expectations. I am convinced works toward customer satisfaction is the right way to strengthen the positions of Beeline trademark”, said Andrey Patoka.