15:59 | 02.12.14 | News | 3990

VivaCell-MTS supported Creativity Lab in Hatsik Community

VivaCell-MTS and the Children of Armenia Fund (COAF)’s continuous collaboration resulted in the opening of the fourth Creativity Lab in Armenia, in correspondence with all the requirements of modern technologies.

The students of Hatsik Community of Armavir Marz have been provided with opportunities to make use of the services offered by the new learning center, equipped with a smart board, modern computers, as well as special mobile furniture.

Up to date, the construction and utilization of Creativity Labs has been beneficial for the children of Sardarapat and Vanand communities of Armavir Marz and Arteni community of Aragatsotn Marz. Considering education as a catalyst for youth empowerment, COAF makes improved physical infrastructure and learning environment of rural schools an integral part of its programs to help students realize and reach their full potential. With the support provided by VivaCell-MTS, these initiatives reach a qualitatively new level and become commensurate with standards of excellence, complementing educational facilities with information and communication technologies.

The environment of the newly established educational hubs allows for the development of creativity skills among children and youth, encourages such correlation of activities as effective use of computers, IT classes, training sessions, lectures, reading, discussion, intellectual games and creative work.

“Quality education is a chance of a better life. Our joint project is aimed to equipping children in the villages with knowledge and opportunities to develop their creativity. Growing up a knowledgeable generation presupposes improving the quality of education, improving physical and learning environment, and better teaching and learning methods. We have to make steps in order to close the gap between towns and villages in terms of introducing new methods of secondary education. Village children deserve a better future”, VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian stated.

In 2014, through VivaCell-MTS assistance, COAF will hand over two more creativity labs in Lori Marz and one technologically enhanced classroom in Getashen community of Armavir Marz in the first quarter of the coming year respectively.