16:41 | 24.11.14 | News | 3960

    Beeline makes changes in mobile tariff plans

    Today Beeline announced changes in a number of mobile tariff plans, which will enter into force on December 4, 2014. The changes particularly refer to Internet tariffs. In case of certain tariff plans, the amounts withheld after topping up the account will be also changed.

    The changes in Internet tariffing will refer to the following tariff plans – Mix, Super Mix, Remix, MegaMix, Parz, Zangarat, Zangarat 5 and Nur.

    In case of Super Mix and Remix tariff plans, the package of offered services as well as the amount withheld after topping up the account will be changed. In particular, after topping up their account to the tune of AMD 500, Super Mix tariff plan users will get 500 on-net SMS messages in addition to 7-day unlimited on-net talk-time. Instead of previous AMD 100, AMD 150 will be withheld after topping up.

    In case of topping up the account to the tune of AMD 500/1000, Remix tariff plan users will get 500/1000 on-net SMS messages in addition to 7/14-day unlimited on-net talk-time. AMD 150/300 will be withheld after topping up.

    Subscribers of all abovementioned tariff plans can get detailed information regarding the changes on www.beeline.am official website, Beeline sales and service offices or making a toll-free call to 0611.

    It should be noted that the terms of the rest of Beeline tariff plans will remain the same. At any time subscribers can switch to a more convenient package offer with unlimited talk-time and Internet or activate any Beeline Internet package keeping up with their tariff plan.