12:05 | 25.09.14 | News | 3693

    Beeline to digitize Maralik’s phone network in mid-October

    Beeline continues works aimed at the digitization of telephone exchange and phone network subscriber lines in Armenian regions – works aimed at the modernization of landline network in Maralik city in Shirak region have already started.

    Once the works complete (due on October 17) the residents will be able to use high-quality services of fixed network; the quality of Beeline broadband Internet will also improve. Also, current phone lines will be updated and the equipment will be changed.

    “Beeline investments in wired infrastructure continue and more and more new settlements are in turn. We modernize the network in an attempt to change the life of our subscribers for the better providing them access to higher-quality broadband Internet and city phone network services”, Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin noted.

    Yerevan city phone network was 100% digitized in 2013. This indicator exceeds 86% in all Armenia. The total length of Beeline’s cable infrastructure in Armenia is around 13 000 km.