17:56 | 28.08.14 | News | 3990

    Beeline brings down prices for landline services

    Beeline announces considerable decrease in landline services tariffs which will be available on September 1, 2014. The new tariffs will be automatically applied to all Beeline landline subscribers in Armenia.

    According to the new tariffication, after the use of the package of free minutes, all the local outgoing calls to Beeline landline numbers will cost AMD5 (VAT included) per minute of talk.

    All the incoming calls to numbers of other landline operators of Armenia as well as international calls within Beeline network and landline numbers in NKR will be charged AMD5 (VAT included) per minute of talk.

    “Our goal is to be closer to the customers and we do our best to this end. Our new tariffs for landline services are not only considerably lower but simpler and more accessible. Now, all the local calls above the paid limit as well as any calls to any landline numbers across Armenia and NKR will be charged at AMD5 per minute”, noted Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.