18:08 | 31.07.14 | News | 2335

Volunteers of Orange participated in social activities targeting children

30 Orange employees contributed some of their time to participate at the volunteering project jointly organized by Orange and the Children of Armenia Fund (COAF).

These employees who represent different departments of the company formed two groups of volunteers. The first group visited Arteni, Vanand and Yervandashat communities, where together with the children of the communities they painted newly installed benches and waste bins at playgrounds. The playgrounds were built by COAF earlier this year in response to a lack of safe and open playing areas in some of the communities in the Armavir and Aragatsotn regions.

The second group of volunteers visited the kindergarten of the community of Myasnikyan, where they took part in organizing games and activities concerning nature themes for kids with the guidance of art-therapists and kindergarten staff. The Children of Armenia Fund continuously work with the local kindergarten staff to involve children in showing alternative methods aiming at developing education sector.

“We are proud of our employees who were willing to grant a true happiness to the children through their work in these hot summer days. Through volunteering activities our employees act as true members of society and live our values at the same time”, said Francis Gelibter, the General Director of Orange Armenia.