15:05 | 28.02.14 | News | 3371

    Beeline launches NUR new tariff plan

    Along with NURCARD, ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) announced the launch of NUR new prepaid tariff plan.

    The new tariff plan allows NURCARD customers to accumulate points within NURCARD project for the use of Beeline services.

    NUR tariff plan subscribers accumulate 1 bonus point for each spent AMD 100. The accumulated points can be exchanged with a number of NURCARD project gifts or be used for Beeline mobile and landline service payments.

    Within the tariff plan, the price for an outgoing call within Beeline network in Armenia will make up AMD 9.99. Subscribers will make calls to all local mobile and landline networks in Armenia and NKR at AMD 24.99. The price for outgoing SMS-messages to all numbers of Armenian and NKR mobile operators is AMD 9.99 and to all international numbers – AMD 20.

    “The partnership with NURCARD is an interesting bonus project allowing customers to accumulate points by simply using Beeline services and afterward, choose gifts or pay their network expenses”, ArmenTel First Deputy General Director Meruzhan Mikayelyan stated.

    NUR tariff plan SIM-card is available at AMD 400, at that the amount paid for the card is added to the subscriber’s account. To subscribe or to switch to NUR tariff plan customers should visit Beeline sales and customer service offices and present MasterCardNurCard card and ID.

    The bonus points are not accumulated for value-added service and roaming expenses.