12:27 | 18.02.14 | News | 4114

    VivaCell-MTS “invests considerable funds” in preparation for MNP introduction

    VivaCell-MTS jointly with other mobile operators has been conducting necessary organization works to introduce Mobile Number Portability (MNP) service within the terms and timing set by Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) of Armenia.

    VivaCell-MTS spokesman Vahe Isahakyan responded to Mediamax’s request.

    He noted that “the company invested considerable funds in technical re-equipment as well as staff re-training to be able to provide the service”.

    Vahe Isahakyan noted that operation of Centralized Database is a complex task requiring coordinated work by all the involved parties.

    “In the preparatory stage of the launch of the service, various technical issues periodically occur and relevant measures are taken to settle them”, he said.

    Vahe Isahakyan said that the Centralized Database and service are currently in the phase of testing.