15:56 | 18.11.13 | News | 3192

Orange Foundation granted scholarships to 34 students

In the scope of partnership with the regional universities of Armenia, the Orange Foundation granted scholarships to 34 students of the Kapan branch of the State Engineering University of Armenia (SEUA), Goris State University and the Yeghegnadzor branch of Armenian State University of Economics.

“Today we are happy to mark that our 3-year old partnership with the regional universities is continuing, and the assistance to students who have difficulties in paying their tuition fees is one of the components of this partnership. We believe that Armenia is not only limited to Yerevan. Armenia is also all its regions with their big and small settlements, and helping regional students to fulfill their high education is close to our heart, as they will be the future specialists in these cities and towns,” said Francis Gelibter, Chairman of the Board of the Orange Foundation.

The Orange Foundation transferred 3 million AMD to be used to pay tuition fees of the students. Students have been selected on the proposal of the universities, based on 2 criteria – student’s GPA and his/her family’s financial standing. It is planned to grant scholarships to overall 9 universities this year based on the same criteria.

The mission of the visit to the South regions of Armenia was also the meeting of Francis Gelibter with the students of Yeghegnadzor University. The CEO of Orange Armenia had a special lecture for them on the topic of “The managerial approach of an international company in Armenia: the example of Orange”. He shared his business experience with the future economists and finance specialists and particularly presented the main principles of management of Orange Armenia.

The partnership with these universities is not limited to granting of scholarships only. In the scope of this partnership the students can have their professional internship at Orange, and Orange employees conduct professional and training courses for the students, as well as a free WiFi corner was opened in Goris University, for students and professors.

As a reminder, the Orange Foundation has granted scholarships to 67 students in 2011, and 95 in 2012.