16:23 | 24.09.13 | News | 3467

ArmenTel awards winners of social journalism contest

ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) CEO and head of Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University Armen Darbinyan awarded winners of social journalism contest.

The contest of works in social journalism field was held jointly with Institute of Advertising, Media and Cinema of Russian-Armenian University with the information support of "Novoe Vremya" newspaper.

Over 3 months, the best of works presented to the contest were published in "Novoe Vremya" newspaper.

The contest commission comprises heads of the Institute of Advertising, Media and Cinema of Russian-Armenian University and members of edition of "Novoe Vremya" newspaper, ArmenTel representatives.

Second-year student of the Slavonic University Lusine Israyelyan with her article on combating smoking won the contest. "Ministry of Health warns but doesn't break the habit...". 3rd and 4th year students of the Institute of Advertising, Media and Cinema Ashkhen Samvelyan with "It's no place for the old" on loneliness of the elderly, and Mariam Samvelyan with "In captivity" devoted to problems of home abuse respectively took the second and third places. The winner got a prize from "ArmenTel",  Samsung Galaxy S III, and the second and third prize holders - Samsung Galaxy S II. All the finalists got the chance of internship in one of the leading printed editions of Armenia.

"On behalf of the company, I would like to sincerely congratulate the winners of the contest. It was hard for the jury to select winners as the quality of the works presented in the contest was very high and the materials themselves differed not only in professional approach but also sincerity. We saw concrete proposals on settling this or that social problem in many works. ArmenTel is a company implementing large-scale projects of social corporate responsibility in Armenia and is as no other company interested in growth of media professionals in the country reporting the social life which first of all need help and attention from benefactors. We hope that owing to our social responsibility programs many of today's graduates of Armenian universities will make their choice in social journalism field", noted "ArmenTel" CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

It should be recalled that the contest of best article on urgent social topic was held in spring and summer 2013. Dozens of works were presented to the contest. The contest aimed to support education of young people, contribute to development of quality and professional journalism.