14:17 | 13.09.13 | News | 3323

    DigiCamp summer camp summed up

    Leaders of Union of IT Enterprises (UITE) and "ArmenTel" summed up DigiCamp IT entrepreneurship summer camp.

    The main goal of DigiCamp ("ArmenTel" is the general sponsor of the camp) was to unite young people engaged in IT sector and inspire them to start up their own business and implement their own programs.

    During DigiCamp, each of the 26 participants presented his own business idea with innovative component. The participants of the project selected 5 best ideas and developed them up to complete business projects following advice of professionals over 10 days.

    The commission including directors of IT companies selected the best project - "I need", The team which realized the project was awarded a prize of AMD200 000.

    Prize holders of the summer camp get the chance to take part in DigiTec technological exhibition (October 4-6) in a separate exhibition hall and the remaining projects will take part in the common exhibition hall.

    "The main goal within "ArmenTel" corporate responsibility is to help people change their life for the better. That means we support those who pave their way to success with their work. "ArmenTel" constantly creates new opportunities for the youth and we hope you will put your own efforts to achieve more success in future in addition to getting professional skills", noted "ArmenTel" CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.