14:45 | 06.09.13 | News | 3250

    ArmenTel comments on the incident by Northern Avenue office

    ArmenTel commented on the incident disseminated by a number of media which took place in the Beeline sales and service center at Northern Avenue in Yerevan yesterday.

    "On September 6, a number of media disseminated information on the incident taken place in the Beeline sales and service office at Northern Avenue. The company thinks it proper to inform the information is not full and accurate.

    On September 3, several foreigners who were likely to be drunk or used drugs came to the Beeline sales and service center at Northern Avenue. They interfered the natural working regime of the office, demonstrated disrespectful conduct to the center's associates and other customers.

    To settle the situation, the security officer asked the troublemakers to leave the building. The troublemakers again tried to enter the company's office and seeing resistance, severely beaten the ArmenTel associates. ArmenTel associates got serious injuries (including broken arm), and the troublemakers also suffered as a result of the scuffle.

    The suffered turned to the law enforcement agencies requesting to hold a forensic examination. They express the hope that the troublemakers will be made accountable as a result of the violation and will be punished", ArmenTel's press release reads.