17:00 | 04.09.13 | News | 3394

VivaCell-MTS supports the creation of innovative learning environment

With the support of VivaCell-MTS a modern classroom opened in Armavir region Sardarabad community.

An electronic smart board, as well as 6 new computers were installed here. The classroom is designed for 30 students, where special mobile furniture allows students to perform individually, in pairs, as well as in small and large groups. Such an environment gives the opportunity to complete different types of activities - lessons with the use of modern technologies, class discussions and lectures, reading sessions and games.

The creation of the classroom with innovative solutions became possible due to the cooperation between VivaCell-MTS, Children of Armenia Fund and Sardarapat school.

“Give a child a chance and he will reveal his skills himself. If we manage to make the learning environment more attractive, very soon we will see the expected result. We went in that direction, being sure that the efforts made today are going to be extremely important for the future. Our nation's unique approach towards education should be targeted at preparing skilled professionals”, noted VivaCell- MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

This year, with the support of VivaCell-MTS, the Children of Armenia Fund will put into operation another classroom in the Aragatsotn region Arteni community.