17:23 | 05.02.13 | News | 4161

    Orange again initiates “Safe Internet Armenia” project

    Today over 90 countries are celebrating Safe Internet Day.

    This year already the 2nd time on this occasion Orange Armenia, jointly with the Safe Internet Committee of Armenia, coordinated by the Media Education Center NGO, has initiated the large-scale project “Safe Internet Armenia 2013”.

    In the scope of this one-month project about 300 teachers from 150 schools will be trained and over 3000 pupils and students with pedagogical education will participate in an open lesson. This year a special focus is put on the awareness and education of parents on safe internet use, who will be provided the chance to participate in workshops at schools dedicated to the mentioned topic, company informs.

    “As the major mobile internet provider in Armenia, we care about providing to our customers the keys to safe internet use, protecting their information and hardware as well as their children from inappropriate content. However, we are not limiting ourselves to simply offering needed products and solutions and as a responsible company we are happy to join this large-scale educational project” said Francis Gelibter, the CEO of Orange Armenia.

    Besides, Orange, in cooperation with Kaspersky Labs company, already since last year made available to its customers Kaspersky Internet Security that includes improved protection for children that use your PC to maximally protect them from inappropriate online content. Many Orange customers are already using it.

    As a reminder, last year in the scope of the same project 300 teachers from Yerevan and RA marzes were trained, and over 6000 pupils, instead of the anticipated 5000, participated to an open lesson. Since the launch of the project www.safe.am has been visited by over 7000 users, safe internet game has been opened over 5700 times and the Internet literacy handbooks and parent guides have been downloaded over 3800 times.