13:31 | 23.08.12 | News | 4095

    Armenian sportsmen to take part in Batumi Extreme Fest 2012

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. 10 Armenian teams of various extreme sports will take part in Batumi Extreme Fest 2012 international festival with the support of ArmenTel (Beeline trademark), Converse Bank and \"Adrenalin\" extreme sports association.

    Geoextreme Georgian association of extreme sports is the organizer of the moto- and auto festival. The festival due to be held on August 23-26, 2012, will host sportsmen from Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine and a number of other countries. The Armenian sportsmen (40 people) will show their skills in sports disciplines of extreme Jeep Trial off-road driving in Standard, Monster and Extreme classes and contests of cross-country motorcycle race and rafting, ArmenTel reported.

    \"On ArmenTel\'s behalf, I wish our sportsmen to succeed in the upcoming event, demonstrate a team spirit, mutual help and insatiable desire to win.  These are the traits ArmenTel strives to educate among the youth, supporting various sports initiatives and projects for the younger generation\", noted the company\'s CEO Igor Klimko.

    Jeep-Trial is an automobile contest on the road with artificial and natural barriers  to show up speed and mastership of overcoming the route divided to sections. The aim of the contest is to overcome the route through the marked course gates for the minimum time. Rafting is a sports floating along mountain rivers and artificial rowing canals on 6, 4 and 2 -seat inflatable boats (rafts).