11:21 | 08.06.12 | News | 3459
Yerevan/Mediamax/. VivaCell-MTS provided videoconference hall to the International Center for Research and Education in Agribusiness.
VivaCell-MTS has invested more than AMD 8 million into equipping a videoconference hall and obtaining of other equipment. Professional equipment to provide HD audio and video quality, monitors and a video camera distantly controlled by the instructor provide imaging that allows making the virtual auditorium look as realistic as possible. The center now also has a smart board and a projector.
The first live video conference was organized with the Texas University.
“The Internet widens the learning opportunities. I believe the live distance learning tool will change students’ set of mind and behavior. It will let the young people be more independent, more result oriented and responsible, while the instructors by the monitors on the two ends will provide the required advice. The virtual cooperation between the universities of various countries will help form wider worldview. It is equally helpful in terms of comparing and correlating the mentalities and cultures of various nations. We strive to make all the information resources available to the students,” said VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.