12:45 | 01.02.12 | News | 4416

    E-voting envisaged for only two categories of voters yet

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. The voters working in Armenian diplomatic or consulate representations, as well as those living abroad and members of their families can take part in upcoming parliamentary elections via an electronic voting.

    At yesterday’s session, the Central Electoral Committee (CEC) established the order and terms of e-voting for these persons.

    “The order applies also to legal entities working in foreign representations registered in Armenia (irrespective of the type of property),” the CEC reported.

    Talking to Mediamax, CEC member Tatev Ohanyan said that the e-voting is envisaged for only two categories of voters yet.

    “The new Electoral Code requires holding an e-voting. This method will be used at upcoming parliamentary elections for the first time,” she said.

    In reply to Mediamax’s question, Tatev Ohanyan said that Armenian citizens living abroad or being there during parliamentary elections won’t be able to take part in elections, because in accord with the amendments made to the legislation in 2007 the provision on holding elections in Armenian embassies lost power.” force

    “Participation in elections via e-voting is a pilot program yet. Wider circles of the population will be able to participate in elections in the future if the program justifies itself,” Tatev Ohanyan added.