17:40 | 16.06.11 | News | 3782

    Beeline holds Hi-Line “Mega Summer” campaign in the regions of Armenia

    Beeline announces the launch of Hi-Line “Mega Summer” campaign in the regions of Armenia.

    Within the framework of the campaign, the residents of all regions of the country, except for Yerevan, who connect to one of Hi-Line unlimited tariff plans “Mega+”, will get the chance to use the service free of charge for the first three months. The offer is in effect till July 15, 2011.

    “The new offer from the universal operator of Armenia is first of all of social nature and aims at increasing the level of internetization exactly in rural areas and in small towns of our country, making connection to the network more affordable and comfortable”, General Director of ArmenTel Igor Klimko said.

    In “Mega+256”, “Mega+512” and “Mega+1024” in night time (starting from 01:00 to 09:00) the speed is doubled both for download and upload internet. In “Mega+2048” the transmission capacity of download in night time has been increased to 3Mb/sec, and the transmission capacity of upload makes 896kb/sec.

    If a contract is signed for rendering the service in the frames of Hi-Line “Mega Summer” campaign, modem and activation are provided to the customer free of charge. The first three months the subscribers cannot change the tariff plan of the service, and in the course of the next 9 months, the customer can shift to a Hi-Line “Mega+” tariff plan, which will provide higher speed.

    In case of renouncement of the service in the course of 12 months from the moment of concluding the agreement, the subscriber pays for the difference of tariffs for the monthly subscriber fee between Hi-Line unlimited tariff plan and “Mega+” tariff plan of the analogous speeds for the period of use and the cost of the modem.