11:06 | 09.06.11 | News | 3278

    1000 newborn lives saved during two-year implementation of a joint program of VivaCell-MTS and BirthLink

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. The lives of 1000 newborn children were saved during two years of realization of a joint program between VivaCell-MTS and British BirthLink NGO.

    VivaCell-MTS and BirthLink, realizing a neonatal care program, organized a conference in Yerevan today, Mediamax reports.

    Within the framework of the program, 11 maternity hospitals and 7 delivery rooms have been equipped with neonatal equipment totaling AMD 359mln (nearly $1mln) during two years.

    “The newborn death rate in Armenia is higher than in USA or Great Britain. Nevertheless, the international experience proves that the majority of death cases can be prevented given relevant equipment and professional education,” VivaCell-MTS General manager Ralph Yirikian stated.

    BirthLink Director Kathy Mellor said that today’s conference will help upgrade professional skills of doctors. “We have invited the leading neonatologists from Great Britain to conduct a master class for Armenian doctors,” she said.