13:26 | 07.06.11 | News | 4575

    Orange Armenia joins Internet Society organization IPv6 World Day

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. Orange Armenia is joining the initiative of Internet Society organization to participate in and support IPv6 World Day on June 8, 2011.

    Starting from June 8, the official site of the company www.orangearmenia.am will be accessible both via IPv4 and IPv6 protocols (IP – Internet Protocol).

    Introduction of IPv6 is an essential step forward for successful development of the Internet. Presently when each Internet terminal device (computer, mobile phone, gadget and etc.) is based on a unique IP address, more addresses are needed for connection of such devices to the Internet.

    The presently used protocol IPv4 uses 32-bit address format or, in other words, provides 4.29 billion unique IP addresses.

    In February 2011, all the IPv4 addresses were exhausted. Therefore with rapid growth of the Internet, necessity has arisen to develop a new IPv6 Internet protocol, which uses 128-bit address format and allows vastly expanding the addressing capability and connection of a large number of devices.

    For the next phase Orange plans to conduct testing and additionally upgrading the networks in order to ensure easy migration to a new protocol supporting IPv6 in future.