15:33 | 12.05.11 | News | 3759

    “ArmenTel” provides connection services to Microsoft Innovation Center

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. “ArmenTel” Company (Beeline trademark) is providing connection services to Microsoft Innovation Center in Armenia.

    A special corporate offer has been elaborated for the Center. The offer provides the customer with maximum profitable conditions due to cooperation with the single supplier of telecommunication services in Armenia.

    Besides provision of communication services, “ArmenTel” Company, jointly with Microsoft, realizes a number of technologic and educational projects.

    “I am glad that under the aegis of the center largest players of Armenian market of software and telecommunication services have gotten united. Cooperation between Microsoft and “ArmenTel” has a long history, however exactly in the frames of this project it will gain a new impetus for realizing even more significant initiatives for the Armenian economy”, Director of Microsoft representative office in Armenia Grigor Barseghyan said.

    “In the course of a long period of time we have been successfully cooperating with the Armenian representative office of Microsoft, have been initiating project together, which aim at supporting education, introduction of high technologies and innovations. Construction of the school computer network, “Imagine Cup” student competition, “Innovator-Teacher”: this is by no means the entire list of initiatives, which we realize jointly with the Armenian office of Microsoft, and not the first year. In the nearest future this list will be expanded due to “ArmenTel” Company’s cooperation with the Center for Innovation Technologies”, Head of Public Relations Service of “ArmenTel” CJSC Anush Begloyan said.