11:15 | 07.02.11 | News | 4244

TelCell and WebMoney launch joint service

Yerevan/Mediamax/. TelCell and WebMoney payment systems announced the launch of a joint service.

Henceforth, the users of TelCell payment terminals may instantly replenish their WMZ-wallets. Besides, the WebMoney Check service is now available on TelCell terminals, which allows making online shopping for WebMoney without being the user of the system. The service requires only a mobile phone.

To replenish the WebMoney-wallet, one should choose “E-Money” section in the payment menu of the terminal, then WebMoney and the type of replenishment. 

The system is convenient and easy to use. It has “Choose a language” option and a currency exchange calculator. In order to calculate the amount in Armenian currency it’s enough to type the necessary amount of WebMoney.

“Our partnership with WebMoney is conditioned by the desire to allow the users replenishing their wallets in an easy and convenient way. However, this project has other significance as well, which goes beyond the limits of relations between our company and the leader of e-payment market on CIS territory. As a matter of fact, Armenian internet users are offered another safe and easy method of shopping in the network, which will result in the development of e-commerce,” “TelCell” CJSC Marketing Director Sergey Hyusnunts stated.