15:33 | 26.01.11 | News | 4141

“ArmenTel” actively tests IP Television service

Yerevan/Mediamax/. “ArmenTel” actively tests IP Television service, General Director of the Company Igor Klimko stated today.

Mediamax reports Igor Klimko saying that the commercial launch of the service will take place when the quality of IP Television meets high quality standards. According to preliminary assessments, the volume of investments in the project will make about USD 1mln.

Igor Klimko was awarded Fridtjof Nansen medal today. The President of Fridtjof Nansen Fund Felix Bakhchinyan stated that the award is presented to “ArmenTel” Head for significant public activity. In response, Igor Klimko noted that this award is a big recognition of the merits of entire “ArmenTel” Company staff and “VimpelCom” Group of Companies.