12:44 | 11.08.10 | News | 3368

    The regulator met the complaint of VivaCell-MTS against “ArmenTel”

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. Public Service Regulatory Committee (PSRC) of Armenia met today the complaint of VivaCell-MTS against “ArmenTel” on use of ungrounded tariffs for interconnect on use of traffic for calls to CIS countries.

    As the Head of PSRC Telecommunication Department Gevorg Gevorgyan stated, in order to calculate the total cost of the service, “ArmenTel” was guided by tariffs for interconnect, fixed in the agreement between the companies, concluded on October 27, 2008.

    Gevorg Gevorgyan informed that on October 15, 2009, “ArmenTel” signed an agreement for interconnect with Orange Armenia at a lower tariff.

    The Committee suggested that “ArmenTel” carries out recalculation and presents VivaCell-MTS with new bills with application of the revised tariff, and VivaCell-MTS should carry out the payment of the existing debt within a reasonable timeframe.