17:34 | 27.01.10 | News | 3281

“ArmenTel” revealed and stopped unsanctioned access to subscriber devices of Hi-Line users

Yerevan /Mediamax/. “ArmenTel” public relations service made a statement January 27 concerning reasons for disconnection and connection of some subscribers of Hi Line unlimited tariff plans.

The statement in particular reads:

“Disconnections among a number of subscribers of Hi Line service on January 26-27 represented a forced measure.

The workgroup, set up in the company for operative solution of problems, related to service provision, revealed unsanctioned access to subscriber devices of our customers. The leadership of the company made a decision to immediately take measures to reveal the abuse. The elements of unexpectedness and secrecy were important for the given measures. In connection with this, information on planned steps was not provided to our customer, and even the employees of the company, who were not directly involved in the process, were not informed on this.

We can disclose the real reasons only now, when the abuse is stopped and the connection of fair customers is resumed.

The company apologizes to all its fair customers for the inconveniences, hoping for understanding for the necessity of the realized measures and thanks for constructive suggestions, voiced during discussion of the given issue”.