15:41 | 21.01.09 | News | 4550

Mobbis launched a new version of SMS-information system MOBIPACE

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Mobbis Company launched a new version of SMS-information system - MOBIPACE™2.0 (www.mobipace.com).

As Mediamax was told in Mobbis today, the new release of MOBIPACE™2.0 contains many innovatory solutions. The system gives the customers an opportunity to organize mass and individual SMS delivery given presence of a telephone number base.

Starting January, 2009, there is a bonus account at the disposal of the users at www.mobipace.com website. If in the course of a month delivery at the sum exceeding 30.000 AMD is realized, 10% of the used sum is added to the bonus account.

“Mobbis has in fact provided the participants of the Armenian market with the lowest price to realize not only local, but also international actions, since MOBIPACE system does not have any geographic limitations”, the Company stressed.
As compared to the first version, the interface of the website is fully updated, new functional elements are added, and a system of on-line payments with the use of ArCa plastic cards is connected. Indicators of local time and time in UTC format are present at the website, which allows easily planning the delivery taking into account the time zones.
SMS COMPASS service, elaborated for Armenian customers, who have a limited base of numbers, or who completely lack it, is available for all registered users of www.mobipace.com website in the new release of MOBIPACE.
“SMS COMPASS is another innovative solution of Mobbis, due to which the subscribers of Armenian operators may receive information on discounts and special actions free of charge and the companies are given an additional opportunity for optimal use of the advertisement budget”, the company noted.