18:51 | 09.03.22 | News | 7512

    Viva-MTS to modernize the core part of transmission system

    On the night of March 9 to 10, modernization of the core part of transmission system will begin as part of large-scale measures aimed at increasing the reliability and capacity of the Viva-MTS network, the company informs.

    “The works will be carried out at night, during the period of the least congestion of the network, starting from 02:00, in order to avoid inconvenience to subscribers as far as possible.

    In the course of modernization works, while using voice and data transmission services, some interruptions are possible in certain administrative areas of Yerevan and in Aragatsotn, Ararat and Syunik regions. There may also be delays in sending and receiving incoming and outgoing text messages until subscribers re-register online by changing their location”, the company’s statement reads.