17:01 | 03.03.20 | News | 9289
Five teams have won scholarships in Draper University via the contest, the results of which were summed up on February 13.
The best entrepreneurs, who have been granted the scholarships, are Karen Shahnazaryan (ForgeFiction), Svetlana Jaghatspanyan (ForestGuard), Karen Nikoghosyan (eSwap), Lusine Magauzyan (oores), and Hakob Tumanyan (Yolo). Their fees will be covered fully by the Armenian Ministry of High-Tech Industry.
10:59 | 14.02.20 |
Draper University had a surprise for three other contestants: taking into account their innovative thinking and potential, half of the fees for Karen Khachikyan (Robin), Ruben Hambardzumyan (Cerebrus), and Hayk Badalyan (Garoon) were also covered.
Armenian Ministry of High-Tech Industry has announced that My Step Foundation is ready to cover the remaining 50% of the fees for the three contestants mentioned above. This way, all 8 contestants will travel to Silicon Valley with 100% of their fees paid.