14:11 | 09.11.18 | News | 14704
Beeline has celebrates the 10th anniversary of “3rd Generation” internship program today.
The participants of the jubilee program have shared their experience as interns at Beeline Armenia. The ceremony was attended by their mentors, representatives of Armenia’s work centers and Beeline staffers who were hired by the company through “3rd Generation”.
The program was launched in 2008, and over the years, Beeline welcomed 130 interns.
“We are very proud of the success of our internship program, which helps our company hire purposeful, talented, creative young people. We can offer them a personal internship plan and a mentor. The interns will join an ongoing initiative and get opportunities to apply their knowledge and gain working experience along with getting higher education,” said Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.
Beeline’s internship program accepts senior students (starting from the second course) who have distinguished themselves by outstanding progress, purposeful and creative approach. The internship is implemented in various departments of the companies: IT, marketing, legal, etc.
Top students receive job offers from Beeline at the end of their internship.