16:58 | 24.10.18 | News | 10879

Ucom-sponsored Technoweek held at NPUA

The Technoweek initiative, launched by the Armenian National Engineering Laboratories (ANEL) and dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the National Polytechnic University of Armenia (NPUA), was held with sponsorship of Ucom.

The participants of this initiative were to set up teams of 2-5 members and submit applications for participation in the Innovative Ideas Competition. While working in a team, students got professional consultation to develop their ideas, present them to the professional jury and be able to attract potential investors.

As a result, SFA team with their nvestigetoRobot was announced the winner for the closed space exploring robot, and was awarded the special prize established by Ucom. The second place was taken by Three Smart team with their Carbot automated cart, designed for transporting the luggage in the airports, malls or big shops without human interference. And the third place was taken by GGT team for the means of extending a battery life.

"As a graduate of the Polytechnic University and co-founder of a technologically innovative company, I could not help being part of this initiative aimed at the development of one of the most important economy sectors in Armenia. Within the framework of Ucom's CSR activities, we do our best to support the initiatives that have as their aim the formation of new generation of engineers, their professional development and career growth," said Hayk Yesayan, Co-founder and General Director at Ucom.

On 15-22 October, within the framework of the initiative and Open Doors Day, the students had the chance to visit the university and get familiarized with existing infrastructures, participate in the expo of engineering projects, take part in Innovative Ideas Competition and present their innovative ideas.

Master classes, seminars and interesting discussions were part of the event. Within the framework of the Entrepreneurship Day, students were provided with the opportunity to meet with the representatives and founding directors of leading companies in the sector and get answers to their questions.