13:29 | 09.09.24 | News
Nokia and Team Telecom Armenia bring 25G PON commercial services to customers across Armenia
14:32 | 19.07.24 | News
Business Leadership in the Era of Internet of Things (IoT) and Digital Transformation
15:55 | 08.07.24 | Articles | exclusive
Armenia successfully tests cross-border e-authentication using EU solution
11:18 | 26.06.24 | News
The Silicon Mountains Shirak Technology Forum will take place with Ucom’s support
11:42 | 18.04.24 | News
A system utilizing modern technologies has been launched in the border village of Koti
16:15 | 13.03.24 | News
Ucom showed high and stable growth in fixed and mobile communications in 2023
16:45 | 31.01.24 | News
Ucom leaders spoke at the largest event of the European Business Association
15:22 | 23.10.23 | News
With the support of Ucom, International Olympiad of Microelectronics was held
16:08 | 15.09.23 | News
Viva-MTS invests in the development of future generation of potential employees