14:59 | 10.07.18 | News | 14554
Beeline Armenia and Republican Union of Employers of Armenia announced the start of a new program, aimed at development of business thinking and career planning among school children.
Within the frames of the program, students from 5 schools will be introduced to the rapidly developing branches of economy and demands of the labor market. The students of 9-12 grades participating in the program will acquire new skills for solving IT and engineering issues, as well as visit different enterprises, receive practical knowledge in production and opportunity to start their own business.
“The employment among youth is currently one of the most important issues in Armenia, and I think that every suggestion in this regard could be useful. That is why working in IT sector and being acquainted with the demands of the market, we ought to show the right direction to young people so that they acquire the relevant knowledge and skills,” Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin said.